
Himalaya Mountain and its significance

The most characteristic features of the Himalayas are their soaring heights, steep-sided jagged peaks, valley and alpine glaciers often of stupendous size, topography deeply cut by erosion, seemingly unfathomable river gorges, complex geologic structure, and series of elevational belts (or zones) that display different ecological associations of flora, fauna, and climate. Viewed from the south, the Himalayas appear as a gigantic crescent with the main axis rising above the snow line, where snowfields, alpine glaciers, and avalanches all feed lower-valley glaciers that in turn constitute the sources of most of the Himalayan rivers. The greater part of the Himalayas, however, lies below the snow line. The mountain-building process that created the range is still active.

Mountain Himalaya is a world heritage There we can see special kind of plants and rare animals

Himalaya mountain is famous for a place where Brahmans and meditators practice their religious rituals the world heighest mointson is in Himalaya mountain range Himalaya means simply covered with snow

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