

Sun – Our Energy gift , Our living , Our initiator and processor of Life Sun is our primitive energy source . Sun gives us energy every day with a promise . Our energy of life and all other physical energy either directly or indirectly derived from the Sun . He gives us energy always but does not give us energy bills ,light bills or payments . In that aspects Sun is holistic and precious . In Indian & Eastern traditions Sun is worshiped as God being worshiped . In our day to day life we need energy to walk , to do exercises , for sports , for the mussel movements , for the writing , to think and study , digest our food , for enzymatic activities , to talk , for the synthesis of certain hormones , bio chemicals and Ext . How we obtain this biological energy ? Suns energy flows from the Universe everyday . It touches the green leaves of plants and also the planktons of the sea . This green leaves of plants and the planktons contains the Miraculous Molecule of the nature – Chlorophyll . Here the Sun energy is being trapped by the Molecule . Most of the time these chlorophyll molecules are placed in small organelles called Chlorophytes . Here solar energy is efficiently trapped and active electrons are prepared .This is certainly more or less likely a solar cell . This active electrons will be utilized to convert CO2 to Starch molecules –a polymer . CO2 + H2O – C6H12O6 C6H12O6 + C6H12O6 + ………. – (C6H12O6)N For this process water and CO2 Molecules act as valuable sources . In this remarkable method of photosynthesis water molecules splits and O2 will be generated and releases to the Atmosphere .It will be utmost valuable source for the cellular respiration of plants and animals as well. Now we understood that the Solar energy is the primitive & unique force which generates O2 for us , plants & other living beings for respiration plus energy production .On the other hand , by above described Solar photosynthesis process starch and other food sources are prepared and this is the food we eat .If we eat Bread , Rice , Cereals , Fruits like Mango , Apple or Vegetables or even we eat Meat , Fish or drink Milk or there products , the primitive energy stored there is the Solar energy .From this point we can develop a valuable social science factor – the biological energy in all Human beings is solar energy . That is we – all Humans – are talking , walking , thinking ,planning , playing , eating , learning , and doing all human activities by using same Solar energy . Although they are artificially included in several ethnic groups or races or so called white people & black people , But there life energy is same solar energy , and it is certainly described as Cosmic energy . Because of this scientific factor all Human beings are same and should be included in Solar family or solar race . If we against others or do something to defeat others , that we are using the Solar energy to suppress the same energy of others . If we understand this fact most of problems in our society will solve . Hence I Think that concerning this Solar science all the people should be united & think as same family or race ( Human race ) and do better things to develop Mankind . Protect the Mankind . This is our only valuable resource ( Human resources ) that we have for develop individuals and the community as well . Apart from the photosynthesis , Higher Animals including man do other synthesis processes by using solar energy Ex. Production of Vit . D 3 from cholesterol by using UV rays of Solar energy spectrum . Sun and Solar energy is extremely important for living beings and without solar energy there will be no life on Earth . Sun is the initiator and processor of Life . Nowadays much attention and researches are being conducted to create solar energy driven vehicles and also efficient solar cells for energy production . But Millions of Millions ago the Mother Nature prepared Solar energy driven “ Vehicles “ and energy plants . Isn t it ? All animals including us , are moving, walking , running by using Solar energy . This is natures solar energy driven vehicles . And green leaves and chlorophill molecules are certainly solar energy plants , trapping the energy and giving it to all living beings . Physical properties of the Sun – Distance from the Earth – 1.496 x 100000000 Km Light waves take 8 min & 19 s to come to the Earth Visuals brightness – 26.4 Equatorial circumferences – 4.379 x 1000000 109 x Earth Surface area -6.6877 x10 -12 11950 x Earth Volume – 1.412 x 10- 18 1300,000 x Earth Temperature – Center- 1.57 x 10 -7 k Photo sphere- 5 x 10 -6 k Com. Of photo sphere –H 2 -73.48 % He -24.85 % To produce energy H 2 IS Converted to He Sun is magnetically active star Age – 4.57 Billion years http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d4/Sun_poster.svg/379px-Sun_poster.svg.pnghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e5/Actual_Sunrise.jpeg/220px-Actual_Sunrise.jpeg

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